Steve Hittman is a first-generation real estate developer, who founded Crossroads Companies in 2001. In his role as CEO, Steve oversees all aspects of Crossroads projects, service businesses and strategic initiatives. Steve began his career in New York City as an office leasing broker, where he represented Fortune 500 companies, and some of the City’s top real estate developers and owners in commercial transactions. Thereafter, Steve segued to secure sale and leaseback financing on behalf of corporately owned properties throughout the United States. A client, one of the region’s largest supermarket chains, retained Steve to assist with their strategic expansion. This was a challenging assignment due to market timing and capital constraints, but ultimately successful, which laid the foundation for future development opportunities. Steve capitalized upon that experience to forge multiple relationships with supermarket clients in need of real estate advisory and development services. The assignments led to strategic partnerships and long-lasting relationships. Over time Steve, Crossroads and its partners have enjoyed tremendous success as one of the largest developers of supermarket shopping centers in New Jersey. Steve is a graduate of the State University of Potsdam and received his diploma in real estate development from New York University.